Do you have debts with your credit cards? Have you begun to use the card recently and has increased your debt without realizing it? Do you always shop with your credit card and pay the monthly minimum? Think you could make better use of your credit cards?
If you answered "yes" to either question, I have to give you a bad and good news. The bad news is that "you have a problem," the good news is that " It is possible to manage debt and go slowly reducing it if we develop an appropriate plan . "
First, we must be aware that the money spent on credit is not free and that the interest we pay for using that credit is very high (around 20% APR). Second, you have to write to the head as follows: "NO COSTS OR BUY SOMETHING IF YOU DO NOT HAVE MONEY FOR IT" (the credit card is not your money).
Just use your credit card if you pay the total month-end.
I recently asked a friend who had three credit cards with a debit balance of 2,000 $ each, how he had come to that situation. He shrugged his shoulders and he said he only used his card to buy and pay the minimum on each (60 $) per month because it was more convenient.
Well, it's time to take the bull by the horns and design a plan to pay off our debts. Let's do the numbers: